Tuesday, March 28, 2006

60 and counting!

I don't know weather to be proud or embarrased. When I got up this morning I really didn't feel like doing anything so I did't. I was going to go to the gym but there was some good TV shows on so I didn't, maybe tomarrow.

I did however manage to do a load of laundry (couldn't dry because it started to rain). Thats about it. Oh-yea, I got the address to where I need to go to get my Visa extended, because I will be here for 100 days since I got back after Christmas and my passport is only good for 90, but I didnt go because it will cost some dough and I don't have any (I only have 80 pesos and I need it for gas to pick up Karinski at the airport in Mexico City).

So.... for most of the day I sat in my spot in the corner of the couch and watched TV/surfed the internet. I got up a couple times to make burgers, shower, and use the bathroom. I did a big search of old school cartoons and TV shows from when I was a kid. I got a hold of a lot of clips and Intro's, that was fun, it brought back a lot of memories. I also found a site where I can watch old episodes of "You Can't Do That On Television," that was AWESOME!

I will again sleep right where I am and again I will hope for some initiative to go to the gym or something, at least I will be either picking up Karin or going bowling in the latter part of the day, so my consecutive hours of nothing will be broken.

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