Monday, March 20, 2006

Lunch After and the Trip Home

We went back to China’s house for another meal before we hit the road. I was extremely tired and ready for a warm meal. This time around I had some chicken mole, it was the best I have ever had, that’s saying a lot because the chicken mole my family cooks back at home is fantastic as well, but there was something a little different in the mole. It had a little hint of sweetness. I also had Iguana, that’s right that lizard that is somewhat common in the states as a pet. It was really good, but it would have been fantastic in the mole sauce. It was in a similar sauce but it was a little too pico for me. Pretty much everybody else was drinking beer but I was dehydrated and genuinely thirsty so I opted for some Fanta orange pop, it could very well have been the best orange pop I ever had, I love orange soda, I do, I do, I dooooooooo-oooo. A couple of the guys asked me if I drink, I had to try and explain that I do and love it, but sometimes I just want a cold water or nice cold soda. Everybody was ready to go but it took a while for them to get our bill and for everybody to put in their share, but we finally got out of there.

There was quite a few of the guys still boozin’ on the drive back, they looked like they were having fun and I wanted to join them but my body was saying NO! I must be getting old. A little ways in the drunkerd’s in the back started to chant names, and those people whom they called on had to go back and get spanked by everybody, bare assed. It would seem extremely weird to the average person but I see this all the time while partaking in Rugby socials, so one my name was called, I told them to give me a beer first. I slammed the beer and dropped my pants. After that beer I felt the urge to throw down a couple. So we stopped at a store and I bought a case and we boozed the rest of the way home. It was fun; we were dancing in the aisle, singing (I sang Ice, Ice, Baby for them) pissing out the bus window (no bathroom), just drinkin’ with the boy’s.

Once we got back, we gathered all of our things and headed back to Hectors house. We were going to take off right away but Fernando couldn’t find his keys. We looked everywhere and were trying to figure out what we were going to do. Just after that he found them, in the pocket of the pants that he wore in the cave! They could have very well been at the bottom of the river in the middle of the cave, lost forever! But luckily they stayed put, he felt extremely relieved.

We picked up his family at his mothers house and headed back to Toluca. I got home to a nervous Karin because I didn’t cal her when I got back to Mexico City and it was really late, after midnight. But I got home safe and have another great experience to share.

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