Last night Karin and I went to pick up two dogs of Veronica's to dogg sit. It was decided to bring them here instead of driving to her house twice a day. They were to stay in our back yard for the week, Veronica is on a vacation untill Sunday. These are pretty cute little scraggly doggs, but they wouldn't shut up. A combination of new place and other doggs shouting "what's up," they went on all night. I'm sure it pissed some people off.
Anywho, I didn't get to sleep untill really late and then Karin wakes me up in the morning, I don't even know what time it was, to hang out on the coutch to tell our muchacha not to open the back door due to the dogs. I was like whatever and started to write a note to put on it. Karin asked me what I was doing and then said that she cannot read.....OH.

So I climed back into bed and enjoyed a couple more hours of sleep. Exept for when I am woken up and then fall back asleep, it is prime time for the imagination of my active brain. I was dreaming about the doggs in the back yard all night and me having to keep waing up to check on them and make sure that no other animals climbed the wall and hand out and what not. There was a bg black cat that kept comming by and it had shit rubbed all over and was N-A-S-T-Y. So that went on through out the night. Then in the morning before Karin got up I realized that there were now three doggs that all looked the same and I had to figure out which two were the real ones and toss out the third, but my decision was made a little easier for me because as I looked closer one of them was dead, too cold I guess (there was a point during the night when I looked out and there was snow). Then I woke up to the doggs barking and looked out to see that they were fine.
They are still barking like no other and it is really pissin' me off, I can't imagine how the neighbors feel. Hopefully as they get used to the place for the next couple days they will dampen their obsured barking. We'll see what's up.
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