Thursday, July 20, 2006

Maxin' and Relaxin'

This week had been pretty chill. Just workin’, chillin’, and sleepin’.

My schedule on Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s has been my company class in the morning at 7:30am till 8:30am (I have to be at Wall Street at 7am to catch the taxi there), then I haven’t had to be back until 4pm. So I get back to my house around 9pm, eat breakfast (been and egg burritos, Mmmmm), then play on the internet for an hour or so then take a long nap. My naps probably aren’t considered naps because they usually last about 4 hours!

I did manage to take some cloths to a dry cleaner. The first time ever I got cloths dry cleaned. They turned out really good. I had some ties cleaned too, they had never been cleaned before and with all the recent wedding and what not there were a couple distinct stains on them! I think I will frequently use the cleaners because I don’t have to worry about drying (really sucks because it rains every day!) and ironing (I can have our maid do it but I don’t like waiting for days when she comes, and I will still have her iron other cloths that I don’t take to the cleaners).

We have some light plans for the weekend that consist of seeing Superman at the IMAX, and Pirates of the Caribbean, and going out to bars and dancing with friends and students from work. Now that I know a lot of “locals” I can get out more!

We made some suggestions for some social classes to do at work and I got to, and get to do some really cool ones. I did one last night about Sport Psychology, some others that I have coming up is Sudokus, John Williams Movie Music, Brain Teasers, and Beer Tasting (that’s right beer tasting, I get to go buy a bunch of different beers and we get to drink them at school, I am just worried that I wont be able to get a variety). I am having a lot of fun there.

About a month and a half till Brethren Days and my trip home!

We’ll see what’s up.


Anonymous said...

Yeah . . . I definitely saw Pirates three times in a week.

I'm not a loser, I SWEAR!

Anonymous said...

That was me . . . your cousin . . . Janelle