Saturday, February 25, 2006


We left early, and after several detours due to not having good signage on the roads, we finally got there. This is a place where every year the Monarch Butterflies (mariposas) migrate down from the US for the winter and then head back up in the summer. There is an unimaginable amount of them there. We wanted to go to a place where you could ride horses up but it wasn't marked very well so we ended up in the most popular and largest place. You had to park and then walk up through a trail lined with vendors selling anything and everything that they could put a butterfly on. It was a really long walk once we got up in the trails where the butterflies were and after a while it got kinda old, but still a little interesting. Check out the pics posted on Photo bucket to see the amazement, its a little hard to explain. We had lunch on the way down, I loved it but the others not so much, I had chicken mole and the others had a type of meat but it was toung and salty like jerkey we also had the staple beans, rice, and tortillas. Then we were off back to home.

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