Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Fantasy Football, Christmas, Plans, and Snakes on a Plane

The first week was not a good one for my boys, five teams lost and only one came out victorious, and by only a few points! I was very disappointed and discouraged. I had some meek performances and some hopefulls that didn't pan out. At least I still have a chance for some sucessfull teams. Must keep my morale up!

I just bought my plane ticket home for Christmas, turns out that I will have two and a half weeks off due to the center being closed. Way cool! I was thinking one week tops. I am flying into Chicago on Sunday night the 17th of December and flying back on the 4th of January out of Chicago.

The tickets didn’t really make sense because I would have like to fly into Detroit rather than Chicago but usually it is about $200 more expensive but the flight I found to Chicago changes planes in Detroit. It goes from Mexico City to Detroit, then to Chicago and it was a good price. But when I looked for that same flight just to stay in Detroit it was $200 more! $200 more to not take the second plane to Chicago! I am going to call the airline and see what the deal is. If you just not take the plane to Chicago, your return ticket will be cancelled, because I thought of that already.

I am starting to try and figure out what my plans will be when I come home in February. I think that I am going to get my teacher certification in an accelerated program at Saginaw Valley State University and after that possible look for a teaching job in the Northern Lower or Upper Peninsula and live off the fat of the land. Alpena is one of the places I am thinking about because my family has some property and a hunting cabin I could live at. It may be really boring but that isn’t always bad. My Good friend Inferno and I have also been talking about going to school somewhere in the North West USA (Washington, Oregon), Colorado, or Alaska. That plan is always a possibility but our grand plans usually fall through, but they are fun to talk about.

Oh-yea, I saw Snakes on a Plane today and I enjoyed it. It was suspenseful and a thrilling, a lot better than I had expected. Not a great movie but a good one. It kept me interested and there were a few corny parts that I got a chuckle out of. I worked two shifts today because one of the other teachers had to take care of some immigration chizzy so I covered for her in the morning and I had my normal shift in the evening but there were a couple hours in between to blow so I ate some Chinese food and saw the movie. Then Karin and I went sopping at the new supermarket! OOOOH, exciting, not really. I was tired as hell. Oh-well.

We’ll see what’s up.

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