Monday, September 11, 2006

B-Day party Friday

I went to a birthday party for a friend of mine, Monsi, she turned 21. It’s not as big of a deal as it is in the US because the legal age here is 18 and you can basically drink wherever because it isn’t really enforced. It was during the day and for whatever reason I didn’t have to work on Friday (this Friday as well ). It was at her mother’s house just up the road from out place. It was supposed to start at 3pm but since I had a short sleeping night due to my cold, I had an afternoon nap until about 3:30. I jumped on the bus, stopped at the liquor store to get her present, a Liter of Bacardi and some coke, and got to the house about 4:30. Good thing I didn’t show up at 3 because there wasn’t anybody there yet. I wasn’t worried about being late because that is how they do things here, Mexican time!

Monsi on the grill
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Keg of Corona
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We had some good food of the grill (onions, chorizo, cecina, arranchera) and some bomb ass beans that had onion, peppers, and a couple other ingredients, it was good as hell. They actually had a keg there, Corona! The first time I have seen one at a party here. Their maid was pouring us some beers and it was foamy as hell. The maid’s way of trying to solve the foam problem was to keep pumping it up! I took over and tried to explain that there was too much pressure and to stop pumping. I had her get some pictures to pour the beer into and relieve some of the pressure. After a while it everything was all good.

I ate, had a couple beers, and was a little buzzed after a little while due to the medicine I was taking for my cold. But it was a weird buzz and it made me very uncomfortable. Karin came after work to have some food and we busted back home not to longer after that because we didn’t feel like going out for more and I had to work in the morning. We were home by 8pm.

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