Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Not much going on...

I've basically been trying to get rid of this cold I have had for the past week. Just a simple stuffy and runny nose, sore throat, and cough, but it won’t seem to go away. As if I would be doing things anyway right!

Most of my time has gone towards a new Sudoku Puzzle I found at Daily Sudoku's. It is called a squiggly. It is the basic 9x9 design but the boxes within are misshaped (see pic), there are several different shapes that they use. I don’t like to do any other ones, they are boring. Try your luck!

Karin busted out a bunch of pic’s she had and I scanned a bunch of them and posted them at photobucket. Check under Family, High school shizzy, old school rugby, self portraits, and also from the feria (fair) last weekend.

I am going into The Wall Street institute on Friday for another interview or whatever you want to call it. They wanted me to come in to discuss what they have available and what not so hopefully that will go well and I can start earning some dinero!

My good friend Heidi just bought a ticket to come down from June 14th-20th. It will be way awesome because Pat is coming down during that time as well. We can “double date” where ever we go instead of me playing the role as the third wheel. I’m excited to finally get a visitor.

We’ll see what’s up.

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