Hey… What’l ya know… I actually did something today to be proud of!
I woke up a little earlier than my usual, 10 am, due to a stuffy right nostril and a semi sore throat. It’s kinda weird because I am not one to get sick but not too long ago I had that 24 hour thing and now a cold, I usually only get sick or have a cold once or twice a year, but twice in the last two months… it’s just weird. Maybe I’m getting old.
I chilled out for a while on the internet and watched some TV in Spanish, I like to watch Spanish shows to try and train my ears, but I usually don’t really pay attention to them. Karin came home for lunch and I was going to drop her off for a trip to Mexico City for a meeting. Karin gave me a shopping list and some cloths to try and take back and said that if I felt adventurous, to take on the task. So I did.
I went to Wal-Mart and got everything on the list and a couple extras I needed (razors, deodorant, frozen pizzas). That was easy, not much communication except for when they as you if you found everything you were looking for, but I can recognize that by now.
The real task was to try and take back some shorts my sis got at Sam’s Club. That was going to take some communication. I looked up some key words I wanted to use, like to return for example and just went in. When I told the door lady I wanted to return some things, she told me to go through the exit and then to the service counter. Now… I didn’t understand every word she said but I got exactly what she was telling me. I was proud, proud to be able understand and not freak out at the first work I didn’t know. So, I had to go in the exit and have that door lady check my bag and give me another piece of paper that said I got it checked. But it took forever because she was the one who checked everybody’s carts and what not against their receipt, and there was a super long line. I had to wait a few min. At first I didn’t know that I had to get checked and she looked at me and said something that I thought was go ahead, but it was not. When I was walking away she was calling me back. Anywho, at the service counter I told them that I wanted to return these, then he asked if I want to exchange, and I said no. I gave him the credit card and then he asked who Karin was. “ella es mi hermana” I said. Then the dude said that he could give me store credit but he cannot credit the card that was used because they needed her signature, then I was like, no problem we’ll come back. I had to go back to the counter because there was still a security tag on one of them, so there was more communication to deal with.
Now, why is returning something sooooo important and exciting… I DID IT ALL IN SPANISH! I was super happy, I didn’t get confused at all. I totally got what they were saying and they understood what I was trying to say. It was just a little step in my not feeling like a dumb ass trying to speak Spanish.
Wall Street Institute sent me an e-mail back and are supposed to get back with me for a time to come in and see what’s up. I hope I can get hooked up with a job. To help my sis out and have some cash to do cool things when Karin is at work. I.e. buy lots of stuff at the market like bootleg DVD’s and go to taco stands every day, oh-yea be able to buy plane tickets and a lot of them to visit friends all over the world. OK, maybe country, but I do have friends in Europe and down under through rugby. But I don’t think I’ll have the funds for that for quite a while, due to the beer taxes that they have… AKA boozing all the time!
So now I’ll be taking a couple swigs of Nyquil Kyle style (when he is sick he keeps a bottle close and hits it all day), ya know… the nighttime without sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, sleep better to feel better medicine, and hopefully pass out!
Peace out!