Sunday, August 13, 2006

My Old Motorcycle (Now It's Inferno's)

I just got some pics that my buddy Inferno took of my old motorcycle. It looks AMAZING! I sold it to him a little bit after I left for Mexico. He fixed it up and painted it himself (Cartman helped him fix it up, probably most of it...). But it's all running and legal to go crusin'. Here are the pics, I wish I had a before pic to show you but it was in really bad shape. It hasn't run in about 3-4 years, ever since I had my problems with the Michigan Secretary of State and liscence issues. Let me know what you think if you remember what it used to look like. It is a 1984 Kawasaki 440 LTD, check it out! He still has to put the stars on the top of the gas tank in the blue area, he has a helmet to match as well!

We'll see what's up!

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