Saturday, August 12, 2006


Last Thursday we picked Pat up from the airport and headed into a really nice part of Mexico City where the nice hotels are to meet his brother who was here in business. We had a spectacular steak dinner with some wine and went to a cool Irish pub down the street. I really wasn’t that drunk but I woke up with a nice hangover, pukey and all. I think it was a combo of the wine, Mexican dark draft beer, and a shot of Jager, plus the fact that we had no water in the room for me to suck down before bed.

Karin, Pat and Mike went to a museum that morning while I stayed behind to sleep a little more. While I was lying on the bed and I felt a very slight gradual shaking, like a small child had jumped onto it. Then I saw the lamp shade move ever so slightly and then the curtains. Then I started thinking… EARTHQUAKE! Should I do something… Stand under a door frame… go downstairs (I was on the 20th floor)… wait I better take the stairs… I looked out the window to see if there was any wide spread panic in the streets but everything was normal. I mentioned it to Karin later and she said that they didn’t feel anything so I wasn’t sure what the deal was. I didn’t find out till earlier today when Karin sent me an article about it.

Earthquake Rocks Mexico City

I felt really pukey as we were dropping of Mike at the airport, the stop and go traffic and the smoggy smogerton didn’t help much either. I was deeply meditating in the back seat in order not to have to stick my head out the window. As we pulled up to the airport Pat suggested that I run in and use the bathroom there, so I did and ralfed violently in a crowded bathroom full of grossed out people. I even heard a few gag themselves. It was cool!

We made it back to Toluca in time for me to go to work, which was pretty cool, my last class of the day was “beer tasting.” I went right home after due to working early the next morning. I am not doing that hungover again.

We’ll see what’s up.

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