Thursday, April 13, 2006

God Bless AMERICA!

First of all, Happy Birthday to my wonderful Mother, 29 right! Wait, I think she has been 29 for as long as I can remember, if I questioned it, I got grounded or had to stick my nose in the corner! I am a mama’s boy… and proud of it. If you are a young lady seeking for my heart, my Ma better like you or she will call you a hussie or a hooker and it will never work out. Te amo madre!

If feels good to be back in the USA. I did a couple of all American, twenty something young man things. I watched late night TV (no networks in Mexico, aka no CONAN!) Then I watched about 4 episodes of Sportscenter (the same one) in a row! And loved it! Now I am watching the World Series of Poker.

Tomorrow I am going to see my first Red Wings game (even though it is in Chicago).

I ain’t gonna lie, I had a couple beers (cleared out Pat’s fridge) in my own little celebration. I figured I should keep it low key since I have a LONG 4 day weekend ahead of me with the wings game, a pseudo reunion with my high school classmates, a UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) pay-per-view party, my childhood friends 26th b-day party (our parents had to put a gate between our backyard gates because they were scared we would hurt ourselves climbing the fence at a very young age), and last of all EASTER with the fam. AND I just talked with my old roommate (Kunik) in college in The D (Detroit) and he wants me to come by for a Tigers game and a night downtown! I’m down for that! All before I reunite with my old crew in Grand Rapids for the Old Boy’s game and a couple weddings! But I was like, I can pretend like I am 21 again… I’m on top of the world! If not, I’ll just be hurtin’ for the rest of my trip. Sorry Ma, if I can’t get up for Easter Egg hunting on Sunday… I still have the flu… If you don’t believe that, I blame Kainski, Greg Cornejo and Matt Brukavich (sp, Buke), they were the first to introduce me to alcohol… WHEN I WAS 15!!!! I guess I can blame the blood after that… Naw, I’m still young, just havin’ fun.

Be cool like me! Life is good!

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