Thursday, December 01, 2005

Plans For A Book

I have always wanted to write a book about my life, starting from the very beginning untill now... but I never really thought it through. I think I might take the free time I have now to start. I plan to leave nothing out. Maybe this book can be just for myself but who knows, it could be kick ass and possibly get published some day.

I got the idea from an US ARMY commercial, it said ¨If your life was a book, would somebody read it.¨ It made me think a little. I have had a great life with ups, downs, excitement, bordom; stories about family, friends, school and work; different stages in my life that have come and gone; several thoughts and ideas about my purpose in life; philosophies and thoeries about religion, roles of sex and gender, attachment, among many more; and the people and relationships from my past, present and future (some in all three tenses) that have made me who I am today and have formed the foundation for my future. I have always kept a lot of thoughts and feelings inside and I really want to let everything out.

I think that people would want to read it. So let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

i would love to read it!! i think it is a wonderful idea. i have always thought about doing that, its hard though. i have written out some events in my life (with your same thought in mind), but sometimes, for me at least, its just hard to re-live some of it. but i suppose everyone has to do what they have to do. i will probably finish out everything one day when im strong enough.

Anonymous said...

Write all you can - if it's never published it will definitely be a "legacy" to leave for your family....Connie

Anonymous said...

You've got to know what I think of this. Do it man. It's the perfect time. For whatever reason, traveling seeing new things (people, culture, etc.) really makes you reflect on the things in your life and surroundings. Anyway w/o getting in too deep, I think it's a great idea. Thanks again for posting. By the way do yoiu have a Title yet? Talk to you...

Anonymous said...

Hey dude. I think it is a great idea and I would read it. I think you are a great writer. I love reading your blogs! :)

Your dance partner,


Anonymous said...

I learn new things about you all the time and every single one of them is entertaining! I say Go For It!
I would buy a copy, but only if you autograph it!