Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Last Two Weeks Part 2

It's been a while. I haven't had Internet accces since we moved into our new pad. It has been a pretty exciting few weeks. I don't have much time right now so I will keep it short or try to.

I had my first and only class two mondays ago (it's just on Mondays and last Monday was a holiday "el dia de Virgin Guadalupe," a very religious day) the class was great. there was about 25 people, mostly kids ranging from 5-18 and a couple adults. It was in a poor part of town at a church and was very rewarding.

Before class started a guy came up to me because he anted to practice his english. So I meet up with him one day, I went out with him on his job. He is in charge of a number of small stores in the area and travels around town. It was cool and it was very cool to have a friend that knows the area. He is about 30 with a wife and two kids who my sister and I have been hanging out with.

They took us all over Mexico city and today I went with Fernando (mi amigo) to Valle de Bravo, it's a beautiful city way up in the mountains where a river was damned and formed a lake. Karin may have more info on out site seeing on her site (see below), but I don't know I haven't checked it yet.

Last Wed. we drove North to a city called Queretaro. It was about a 2 hr drive. It was cool. Just seeing a different city and driving the country side (I am unoficially Karin's Driver). We meet up with another one of her friends that was in Mexico for business. This a really beautiful clean city with a lot of history. We had dinner and hung out for a couple hours then drove home. On the way there we took a toll road which was noce because it was during the day, smooth, straight, and you could go very fast. the road we tok back was a fre road which was shorter but it was rough, curvy, you had to go slow because it was two lanes with a million semi's that were literally going 10 mi per hour, I had white nuckles the whole time. But... I did see wo Meteors fall to the earth, no kidding, bonefide balls of fire plummiting to the earth and burning out before they hit the ground. I don't think they were very big and they seemed close. Of course I got us home safe and sound beause of my superior driving skills.

We have visited several mercados and have found several cheap stuff like cloths and bootleg DVD's. We haven't bought much yet but I will be getting a bunch of stuff this weekend.

My spanish is vastly improving but still in need of a lot of work. Well that will be it for now but I hope to have easy access to the web soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, sounds like things are going well. Just thought I would drop a line and see whats happening. You need to get in touch w/ me about Christmas so ican plan accordingly. Let me know whats up.