Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I mine as well do it while I still can, right?

Well, my body and mind finally recovered from the weekend enough to document it. Saturday was los premios de Wallabies, or better known as my rugby team’s awards banquet. Usually, this event is somewhat formal and everybody dresses up and what not… but not here. I kept asking about what to wear and what not all week, and I never really got a straight answer. So, I brought nice dress up clothes to wear. After I realized that nobody else was dressing up I said eff it and kept my clothes on. Supposedly the rookies were supposed to wear a tie or something but I was the only one in at the party that was dressed up. I didn’t really mind that much cause I like to dress up and what not. We proceeded to drink and drink, I was a little buzzed by the time we got to the party but after a couple stiff cuba libres (rum and coke) I kinda blacked out. Well, I did black out, there was no kinda about it. The last thing I remember was receiving some sort of award that I still am not exactly sure what it is for. I think it was for a rookie thing but I haven’t tried to translate it yet. I woke up the next morning with the certificate folded and shoved in my pocket. I woke up at the house where the party was with not a sole around, usually when you crash at a party there are a few other souls in your same boat, not this time. The one thing I said to my buddies I went there with was “DON’T LEAVE WITHOUT ME.” And that’s exactly what happened. Then I took a look at my clothes that were all dirty and I just thought to myself something that I frequently as myself after a night like that “what happened?” Apparently I fell into a bunch of flower pots and plants. I apologized to my teammate Juan whose house it was and he just chuckled and said that they’ll grow back.

So I took a cab to Nico house. I was in no mood to attempt to explain where to go as well as having absolutely no idea where to go. I called him and just gave the phone to the cab driver. It was a long ass trip but it only cost 90 pesos, but all I had was $200 and he said he didn’t have any change, so, being still half drunk and just wanting to get out of the cab I just told him to take it. Kinda shitty now that I think about it but I was just glad to be at my Nico’s house. We proceeded to hit the Jagermeister bottle and a bottle of wine to get right back to where we were the last night. Nico had a bottle of wine that was given to him by an Argentinean team and he was saving it for a good occasion. He came to the conclusion that this was the occasion. The wine was incredible! I just wish that I was at least half sober to enjoy it.

We got on our horses and got some tacos as well as more drinks and headed back to Ofo’s house where my car was to watch football. We partied all day and night while watching football with loud ass techno music on the stereo. It was actually pretty cool.

I woke up the next day, got directions on how to get home and was on my way. I wasn’t hurried that much because I didn’t work until 4pm but I was drinking all weekend without a shower OR change of clothes. I had my bag with my clothes in the car that we went to the first party in and that car didn’t make another appearance until Monday morning. Nico’s girlfriend had it and I think she was mad at us for being drunkards again.

I should not be partaking in adventures like this anymore. I am no longer 21, but I don’t feel guilty about doing it every once in a while. If you ask me there is nothing wrong with putting all your responsibility in the back seat that escaping to an alternate universe where everything is fun. Just as long as those responsibilities don’t effect other people, like girlfriends/wives or your children, which none of those I have!

Work was shitty, all I wanted to do and all I could think about was chillin’ on my couch. Even today sucked. My body feels like I played rugby, but there was no rugby played.

It was worth it though. I got the chance to hand out with good friends and do nothing but hang, drink, and watch football. I felt like I was at home.

Untill next time!

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