Saturday, October 14, 2006

I fell like a kid!

Ordoñez’s walk of 3 run Homer in game 4 of the American League Championship to sweap the A’s to go to the World Series for the first time in 22 years!

I didn't bet but still exciting as hell! I actually teared in happieness and remembrence from the old days when I was a kid rootin' for for the likes of sweet Lou, Trammie, Gibbie, ol' Jack, then Cecil, Rob Deere, and Mickey Tettleton. Beggin' the old man to buy me the $1 grab bag at baseball memories wishing for the life of me that I'll get the Tigers. When baseball and how many dingers the Tiges hit was the only thing that mattered, my first Tiger game at Tige stadium with my old man and his old man, and trading all my A's to the Brushabers (Kurt and Todd) for the Tiger greats. Those were the days. What a great game, a simple game!

Just wanted to share! I feel like a kid again!
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